Thunder and Alaina awesome rp, now vol. 4 - Chapter 4 - Alaina0234 (2024)

Chapter Text

Groups are being discontinued and will be removed July 1st

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Interesting, and funny... And sweet," then they looked her weirdly, "The Winter soldier likes you," she said with a smirk, it was obvious, well maybe not that obvious but it was the most logical thing, "Do you think that Bucky would take that well? Can you be jealous of yourself? Do you like him too?" she was teasing a bit, just a tad bit.
January 29, 2023 Reply

"I currently like him better than Bucky right now..." Her father snorted at his daughter, norms she was so much like him. "I might just go tell him that." He tease with her crossing her arms, "Good, maybe he stop worrying about physically hurting me so much." Rolling his eyes with a smile he leans his head over to Natalia, "maybe she ask the Winter Soldier on a date next and dump Barnes."
January 29, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Does she gets bored easily too?" she asked him, "Well, you have to understand him too, I mean, for him, the Winter Soldier is everything he hates about himself, and yes, it would be difficult for him to hurt you, but there's always a 'what if...' and being the person he loves the most, he wants to keep you safe, he doesn't trust him and he has more than enough reasons to do so".
January 29, 2023 Reply

"I'm getting rather bored of you using that word against me." He sighed as he sipped on his coffee as Natalia tried to help Celia see Bucky own prospective. "I can keep myself safe-" "eh-" "don't you start. It's not like you have a good track record either." He gives a stern nod in agreement. "I don’t and it likely what lead to my death to... Which I am correcting by making allies. Barnes is trying to heal and you assuming what he will do because of what he did to you once isn't going to help him heal or your relationship. The future you lived is a glimps of what if and nothing more. Stop acting as if what you lived is what to be."
January 29, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"You used it first," but now to the main point, "You can't also be selfish and think that this is just about you Celia," she was a tad bit, "He deserves to be free and not to worry if that other side would come out, he wants to stop feeling like this not only because he's afraid of hurting you or the others, he wants to stop him from hurting himself and you should be worried and supporting him too," and not saying that right now she was preferring the Winter soldier than Bucky, even if she said it jokingly.
January 29, 2023 Reply

Great somehow this all turn against her! "I was the one who help Stark create the program to help him heal! I never claimed he should keep the winter soldier programming." Norms no! "And I am worried, last time he cut everyone out and was alone-" she was alone everyone had left her or betrayed her! They both did! "And he-" she, "suffered!" With that she stormed off.
January 29, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She was clearly self projecting herself there, Nat sighed and went to make herself a cup of tea, Celia needs space now and she will talk to her later.
January 29, 2023 Reply

Now he somewhat knows what happen between the two in the future and caused her insecurities to flare up. "I wish she could speak to my mother, she was raised by seers, she could instill what they instilled in my mother..."
January 29, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"She could..." in this time his mother was still alive and maybe they could talk, "Maybe it wouldn't be necessary to go to Asgard," she was planning something a bit crazy now...
January 29, 2023 Reply

Perhaps he could convince his brother to bring their mother to Midgard... Odin would never allow it. "Maybe, I need to think it over first." As if merely thinking of his former home the Bi-Frost open before them with the warrior three and Sif appearing.
January 29, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
There is no need to go to Asgard, for what Thor told them, Frigga tends to pay constant visits to Vanaheim, maybe they can meet there... "Loki, aren't they Thor's friends?" to word it somehow.
January 30, 2023 Reply

What gave it away? Was it the armor or the Bi-Frost? "Indeed, now I must go..." He slipped out the kitchen follow by a knife being lodge against the wall to the hallway thrown by Frandall. "Halt Laufyson!" Sif commanded and he did. "Jarvis inform my brother his friends are here." With the A.I. telling him, "I've already inform the team they be here momentarily."
January 30, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat redirected the knife to her hand and teleported Loki to his room, he has to take his elixir and take important things in case he has to run away, "May I ask the reason why you want to take him?" they won't not with her there!
January 30, 2023 Reply

It was only a moment later did both Celia and Thor rush into the room to see the four. "My brother shall continue to stay here with me." Sif took charge to explain. "The All-Father has commanded us to retrieve Laufyson. If we return empty handed he will send the Einherjar to retrieve him. If he flees the All-Father in-state a kill on sight order." Celia heart sink and she glance to her uncle. What were they to do?
January 30, 2023
Groups are being discontinued and will be removed July 1st

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"I'm sorry but Reindeer games here is protected by the highest commands on earth, hurt him and it will be taken as an act of war," Tony said as he walked in, of course wearing his suit.
January 30, 2023 Reply

"Against who? You're realm is constantly at war with itself." Hogun remarks and Sif adding. "He answers to Asgard. Odin will declare war against Midgard if he must." Celia heart dropped, she knew they couldn't hope to win a war against Asgard. "I'll come willing if you uphold my conditions." Her father says with everyone staring at him with either 'are you insane' stare or one of pure hatred. "Why should we ever uphold your conditions?"
January 30, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
No! He can't leave! If they came to take him like this, is because what it's waiting for him on Asgard is not good, "Because if you're not, we're not letting you taking him and I don't know if Odin would be that merciful to you and your failure," Nat told them.
January 30, 2023 Reply

Odin wasn't merciful to failure he knew too well. Sif narrow her eyes at him who meet the stare with even more intensity. "My daughter can never be put to death or imprisoned by Asgard or their allies." This was a very reasonable request. "Asgard will not go to war with Midgard, meddle with Midgard affairs, and offer the realm protection if in need."
January 30, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
They looked at each other and the four nodded, "We will tell the agreements to the All father, and also we'll tell him that his son came with us peacefully," Hogun said, he's known for being the most reasonable of the four. Nat's heart was shattering into pieces when she saw them chain his wrists, she wanted to go, hold his hand and take him to the end of the world to keep him safe, but she knows that it will make everything worse.
January 30, 2023 Reply

One stern look for Loki made Thor stay. He knows this look all too well. It was 'I know this is a bad idea yet it was the only play we have'. They need Asgard on their side to face Thanos. He didn't believe it was the only play but the only one he was willing to do. His niece was now clinging to his side and he wrap an arm around her shoulder as they watch them take her father away. One final glance to Celia and they vanish in a ray of lights. "We're going to Asgard I'm going to kill Odin." Celia doesn't care anymore.
January 30, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat was already loading her guns, "Please let me shoot at least a hand," "You can't just go and attack Asgard," Natasha told her sister, "They can't just come and take Loki," she can't lose him now! "And they did".
January 30, 2023 Reply

"I hate to admit but Tasha right, he left for he believed Asgard being on our side was too valuable to lose." Steve told her, he hated this too but if they did they make his sacrifice useless.
January 30, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"And what about 'We don't trade lives' Cap, or your phrase don't apply to Loki?" Nat told him, "Fine, we won't go and kill Odin, but at least we deserve an explanation why they took him and we can negotiate his release, Thor, are you joining us?" they need Thor if they're going to talk, "Yes," Thor said standing up, "I'm going too," Bucky will be there for him and for his girlfriend.
January 31, 2023 Reply

"I saying we shouldn't go gun blazing." There's always a time and place. "And if we did and ruin our ties with Asgard after Loki made the decision to go willingly to keep good relationships between us he would be furious." Why does she have such a grudge against him? Anything he says she views the worst way possible. "I'm going too, I have a few choices words for your father."
January 31, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Too many people, the four of us will go and the rest stays in case something goes sideways, your Earth's line of defense," Nat said, "Alright, you're ready?" this wasn't her first intergalactic teleportation, not at all...
January 31, 2023 Reply

Thor glance at Celia, she gave a nod, and he rested his hand against Natalia shoulder. If Celia believes she can do it than he will trust her judgement. Celia took Natalia hand than Bucky. "Ready."
January 31, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Closing her eyes and praying to all the gods she knew, she teleported them. Opening her eyes she was relieved to see all standing next to her and on the castle grounds. "We should go and find your father," she told Thor.
January 31, 2023 Reply

After tapping the ground once with his boot, he nod his head. He had to be certain it was real! "Follow me." With that Thor lead the way to the castle and towards the throne room.
January 31, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
The three followed him, obviously, they were ready if someone would attack them, but luckily they got to the throne room without a problem. "I was planning that you would come back, I didn't expect you to bring company," Odin said coldly looking at them.
January 31, 2023 Reply
Groups are being discontinued and will be removed July 1st

It took everything in Celia to not swear at her grandfather and curse his soul. "We came here to retrieve my brother for you wrongfully inprisoned-" "neigh! He stole a powerful relic from Xander! You failed and broke our agreement! I am upholding my end of the bargain! If he causes any ill harm to others he will be imprisoned."
January 31, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat stepped forward, "He did it to save the universe, there is a bigger threat and he's looking for all the infinity stones, Loki stole that one in our command and for the common good," she was trying to control herself too.
January 31, 2023 Reply

He huffed and rested his face against his hand. "And who are you? Loki whor*?" He asked, his stare bored. Celia snapped, "you will take care on how you speak of my friends!" "I will speak to them as a like. You will know your place girl you're nothing but a bastard!"
January 31, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"You won't speak to my friends or family that way father!" Thor said firmly, "We're here to negotiate my brother's freedom, then we'll go," How no one killed him yet! it is actually hard to believe that no one succeeded.
January 31, 2023 Reply

"There's no negotiation! Do you know the trouble he stirred on Xander with that so little lie? He almost caused a war! I had to clean up after the mess your brother made! I am being merciful boy!"
January 31, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Xandar could have been destroyed completely if my brother would not take the stone! You don't have idea of how many lives he saved doing that!" he saved the entire planet.
January 31, 2023 Reply

"Could have! He would've caused a war with his lie if not for me! This isn't up for debate! You be grateful for your mother for she the only reason why I didn't execute your brother!"
January 31, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"This won't end like this," Thor told his father and then they left the throne room, "I'll talk to my mother, she made my father change his mind once, you three wait for me at the library, I'll be back shortly".
January 31, 2023 Reply

With that Celia now lead the three through the castle to the royal library. When they enter Celia was fuming, "if Hela wasn't such a threat, I kill Odin here and now... First by plucking his eye out than by slowing carving his ribs out his very chest..." She continued under her breathe and it only grew more and more gore some. All while she stole books from the library for her father.

In the gardens of her home Frigga sat naturing some flowers. Her son had return but didn't speak a word to her. He only insulted his father before he was taken to the dungeons.
January 31, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Do you think we can sneak into the prison?" Nat was so worried that she was not even impressed by the library, "I don't know if that would affect Thor's plan," Bucky said, "Thor's plan won't work, his mother has centuries of doing nothing against Odin's abuse, it won't change now!" it's logical to think that way.

"Oh, Thor! You have returned!" she said happily as she hugged his older son.
January 31, 2023 Reply

Celia even hum in agreement as she scan the shelves, "yes, but I wish to steal a few things before we do which we need to for us to unlock the cell and also just to have." You never know when you need a black hole bomb.

Hugging his mother, he let go of her and held her arms in his hands. "Mother you must speak to father, he's being unreasonable. My brother has done nothing to deserve to be sent to the dungeons for. Father is upset at us for he's not able to control us like he once did." He wasn't the blind fool his family believed he was.
January 31, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She only heard 'Yes, but', she was feeling a lot of guilt due to the last couple of interactions they had, so she just teleported to the prison, looking carefully to find Loki's cell. Then she saw him, laying in the ground, barely breathing, he was bleeding from his mouth and forehead, he was also very bruised. Rushing to the cell she tried to touch it but it burned her, "Loki... Loki, can you hear me?" no answer, so she teleported inside, thank God it worked, "Loki, love please wake up... I'm here, we're here to take you back," she said resting his head on her tighs as she tried to clean his wounds with some water she found in a vase.

"I'm sorry my child, there is nothing I can do, I had to beg him to keep your brother alive, he won't listen," she was hurt by this too, although, she was still free and enjoying the privilege of being the queen.
January 31, 2023 Reply

There was a voice, a familiar voice, it kept on repeating itself again and again "Loki" it said. Every time they said it the word was lace with so many emotions it was overwhelming. Yet the voice brought him a sense of comfort and of familiarity. Leaning close and into the warmth he finally peak his eyes open only to close then tight due to the light and tried again with a better attempt. When he was finally able to see there was a smile on his bloody lips, "angel of music..."

There's nothing I can do Thor, your father decided it so. I will not teach you any longer it's unbecoming for a man. "Nothing you're willing to do..." He knew better now. "How can a mother sit here in a garden while her husband hurts and ruins his children lives?" Loki have shown him what a proper parent is; someone who puts their child before themselves, who loves them no matter what may happen, and offers them all the support and love in all the realms. "And to allow your favorite child, he is your favorite do not deny it, to be locked away for no sane reason. You're truly a horrid mother."
January 31, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
A smile traced her lips, drying her teary eyes, she looked down at him, "There's my phantom of the opera," she told him, stroking his hair, "Don't worry, I'll bring some medicine, we won't leave you here, I swear, we will take you out of here," she said and placed a kiss over his forehead, "Let me take you to your bed, please tell me if something hurts, ok?" she told him as she made him levitate to his bed.

"Don't disrespect me like that Thor, I fought your father all the time! You don't have any idea what he has done before-" oh no, she almost tells him! "I've always looked for you two, to have a good life".
January 31, 2023 Reply

To say something hurt was an understandment, everything hurt. From the tip of his scalp to his baby toes. When his head was rested on his pillow ever so slowly there was a low groan from the God. Norms he missed her touch already... "Do not threat this not the worst state I been in, I'll be fine." Even for torture this was minor. He's suffered far worse.

Everyone in this norms foresaken family had secrets! He had enough! "A good life? Do you believe we're happy? You only ever done the bare minimum for us! You allowed father to pit us against each other! You turned away when father hurt us! Hurt me! You left me to fend against my father alone! Now you're doing nothing to help your son regain his freedom! You and father ruin our lives! You stand here free in your garden doing nothing! I speak nothing but the truth and if you believe what I say is disrespectful than you are unhonorable woman."
January 31, 2023
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Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"I know, but I can't help it," she kissed his knuckles, she wanted to give him a proper kiss, but he had a wound so she didn't want to hurt him more, "I love you too much," then the guards, "I'll be back in a few minutes, OK? We, Celia, Bucky and Thor will get out of here," and she let his hand go before teleporting herself back to the library, "What the hell Natalia!" Bucky told her when she saw her bloody hands and clothes, "We're taking your father out of here now," they can't wait, not even one minute.

"My hands were tied! I had to protect us!" she started to cry, but she knew that he was right, she always knew...
January 31, 2023 Reply

For a few seconds the princess just stared at Natalia and her bloody clothes and hands. That was her father's blood. To many awful imagines appear in her mind and she shook her head to try and forget them. "Let’s go." No more waiting! Her blood boiled and she lead the way to the dungeons. So many guards surrounded the entrance forcing them to fight. Yet it was a joke. Celia wasn't able to be stopped or slowed down. Nothing could stop here.

He couldn't cry! "You protected Loki! I always had to fend for myself! I protected and defended us since my pubescent years! I protected Loki since I first held him! I protect multiple realms! I save as many as I can!" He's become a hero they always wanted.
January 31, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
As Bucky and Celia fought their way into the prison Nat went to steal potions and elixirs for Loki, thankfully Eir did help her again. Once she had a bag full of them, she found her friends out of Loki's cell, she teleported them inside, "Celia, put this over the wounds on his head, Bucky, you place this ointment on his hands and feet," meanwhile she will make him drink the ones he already knows.

"And you did it because of us! because we thought you to be strong! to be a leader! to be a hero!" he was who he was because of her.
January 31, 2023 Reply

When they entered the cell she froze, never has she seen her papa so hurt. It took Natalia giving her some elixirs to get her out of it. She knelt down to his level when she first touch him and he jerk away. It broke her heart. Natalia reassure him before she began to apply the medicine again. After he drunk some elixirs his wounds began to heal themselves.

"You never gave me a choice!" They forced him into this role! "I don’t know who I am if I'm not saving lives!" He wasn't happy.
February 1, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
The three of them were waiting until he was somewhat healed, "Do you think you can walk?" Celia and Bucky are better fighters, she can carry him.

"You are my son, our prince, the rightful king of Asgard, that's who you are," he doesn't need more!
February 1, 2023 Reply

What an embarrassment he was. They believed he was hurt so much he couldn't walk. "I can walk." How pathetic did he look? He stood from the cot and his ankle cried out in pain and he grit his teeth, it was broken. "Let’s go, I rather not fight in an enclosed space."

"And what of Loki? Was he never to have the throne? Was it just a ploy to pit us against each other? For he is far more fit for the throne than I." They both know it was true. "Loki is my brother. You proven you care little for us. You care little of what I desire and care more on who you wish for me to be. I will not take the throne. I will free my brother and leave Asgard. If I am forced to I will destroy Asgard to keep my brother safe. This is not our home any longer, farewell." He turn on his heel and storm away and towards the dungeons.
February 1, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
His ancle was twice its normal size, she wrapped her hand on his waist so he could support himself on her, and asking everyone for their hands, she teleports everyone out of the dungeons, just to find Thor storming towards them, he was furious... But it can get worse.
February 1, 2023 Reply

Loki first thought was that his brother was furious at them for his escape only for his brother to betray his first belief, his brother saw all his still visible unhealed injuries. The cuts and bruises he was unable to heal yet and his noticeable limp. His eyes swirl with many different emotions he closed his eyes to calm himself as thunder rattle above. "Take my brother I must speak to Odin."
February 1, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Celia, why don't you join -" maybe he needed support, but Thor glared at Nat, "Alone," and with that he left to the throne room. "Let's take him with Eir," she will help to heal him better, also keep the secret, so again, she teleported them.
February 1, 2023 Reply

All the guards of the castle were storming around in search for his brother who he knew they'll never find. He twirled his hammer around and threw it at the throne room doors causing them to crash and rattle the throne room itself. By the throne his father stood who stared down at him after he shoo the guard away.

They arrived in a rather cramped room; one he knew to familiar due to his pride. It was the hidden healing chamber. One of the few secret rooms in the castle that only a select few knew of its existence let alone location. Eir ushered him to sit on the bed as she snapped at him for daring to put his full weight on his ankle and pouring some elixir that stung his open wounds when he dared to lie and claim he didn't.

February 1, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"You came, and did exactly what I told you not to do," Odin said surprisingly calm, although one could see he was furious.

Nat didn't move from his side, she even helped Eir with some elixirs as Bucky and Celia were closer to the door in case someone would attack. "Doll, are you alright?" Bucky asked to Celia, this was not easy for her.
February 1, 2023 Reply

"I nor my brother or his family will answer to you any longer. I came here to warn you that if you threaten us and dare to come after my family, I will not hesitate to rage war against all of Asgard itself to keep my brother safe." He told Odin pointing his hammer at his father.

Glancing at her father who was being fussed over by both Eir and Natalia, she knew her father loved the attention, she glances down at her bloody shaking hands before curling them into a fist. "Yes, now that my father safe."

February 1, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"You turn your back to your family?! To your realm?!!" Odin roared, "I could execute you just for your words boy!"

He took her hand, "I'm sorry for earlier today, I know it's not the right time, but I'm here for you, unconditionally," the good and the bad.
February 1, 2023 Reply

"You turn your back to your family!" The winds hollow as water poured into the throne room. "You had my brother beaten to an inch of his life!" A crack of lightning lite the room. "I will no longer be a naive puppet to the throne!" Twirling his hammer around he raised it and lightning struck where he stood with the room shaking as the first ceiling painting collapsed above them to reveal the bloody memorial above.

Shaking her head, she held his hand. "I'm sorry about earlier too, I let my insecurities get the best of me... Thank you for being here it helps."
February 1, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
With the fall Odin didn't wake up, as usual, he fell into a long slumber, but now Thor could see the truth, it was right above him.

And outside they could hear the army getting closer, they had to fight, "I have to leave you," Eir told them, "I have to take care of my other patients, make sure they won't harm them," Nat nodded, "Go, I'll handle this," she told her, now, there were just the three, "Alright, Natalia, don't get me wrong, but you are an amazing spy, but Celia and I can take more guards than you can, stay here and if they get him-" Bucky started, "I'll take care of that, protect each other," Nat told Bucky and Celia, she wanted to go with them, but she also had to make sure Loki was safe.
February 1, 2023 Reply
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Maybe his brother was onto something with his little bit on their father. Taking one last hard look he somehow knew this was the Hela that his niece spoke of. His forgotten older sister. With that he rush to find his brother.

It was nice to know they believe he couldn't defend himself, "it's not like I escape my captors on my own before..." He mutter under his breathe as he stood to his feet while leaning against Natalia as support. So his daughter bust the door open knock a few guards down before going into action to buy Natalia and her father some time.
February 1, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat teleported him out of the healing room, she was getting tired, she won't be able to do so any longer, thankfully they found Thor, "I see you're looking better brother," Thor said with a smile, "Maybe we take him to his old chambers, he will feel more comfortable there, maybe rest for a while".

The soldiers were many, Bucky and Celia were attacking, trying not to kill, but it was getting tedious, but then, they heard a "For Asgard!" in the distance, a few seconds later, the warrior three were joining them into battle.
February 1, 2023 Reply

Does no one believe he could speak for himself and defend himself? "I truly am the phantom of the opera." Everyone seem to be talking pass him! "I'm fine! Our objective is to leave Asgard, we must escape from the palace and head to the Bi-Frost."

To her surprise it was the warrior three who came to help them battle the rest of the guards. It was a surprise to her and here she believed they were about to try, and fail, at stabbing her.
February 1, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Sorry," Both Thor and Nat said at the same time, "But yes, Loki is right, we have to go back-" "No," well, that was shocking, "Go to my brother's chambers, our father... as fallen into Odin' sleep, I'm going to free our sister, negotiate, and finis Asgardian lies and hypocrisy," This was even more surprising.

"Weren't you the ones that were chasing us a few moments ago?!" Bucky asked, "Yes... Sorry about that," Fandral told them, "But our loyalty is to our people, not really the crown, and we heard and see the truth, so, we're doing the best for hour people," Hogun explained.
February 1, 2023 Reply

He was about to object till he was silence when his brother uttered the word sister and he paused. "Pardon can we go back to when you said free our sister? We have a sister?" The banishing or locking her away was believable since he just was.

Knocking another guard unconscious, she mutters under her breathe, "this must be why my father said not to do mushrooms and crack." She was finally losing it.
February 1, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Her name is Hela, she is imprisoned in Hel, she is father's firstborn, she conquered almost all the realms for him, but then she turned an inconvenience for him and he sent her to eternal prison, so I'm freeing her, see you in a few hours," And that was it, he left them.

"Stop there! it's a command," What was this?! now Frigga! this felt like a play! "It's an order from your queen," the soldiers were really shocked, "I'm sorry your majesty, but the King-" "The King is sleeping, and now I am the one you serve, and I said stop this".
February 1, 2023 Reply

He had so many questions yet no answers. When did Thor learn this? Did Odin tell him? No, he wouldn't. How did he learn all this? "I have a sister..." He mutters under his breathe trying to wrap his mind around everything as they walk to his chamber together.

She has lost it, she was dreaming. This couldn't be happening. Yet the guards stood down and lower their weapons and she did the same. Everyone knelt to the ground aside from Celia who meet her grandmother eyes. "Frigga." She greeted shortly.
February 1, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Alright, baby sibling, you have to lay down and have some rest, I'm sure we will have some answers in a moment, for now, you have to fully heal before we can leave," She said as she took him to his bed.

"Celia, it's good to finally meeting you," she told her with a kind smile, it's the least she can do, be kind and loving with her first grandchild, the one she already loves although she never properly met.
February 1, 2023 Reply

There was a pointed look from the prince the moment "baby sibling" left her lips. "I will not hesitate to stab you if you ever call me baby sibling again." Only his brother had the rare privilege to call him such. Crawling into his sheets and bed once more he sighed at the familiar comfort. Never did he believe he sleep in his bed again.

There were so many things her grandmother failed to do for her family. "I wish I could say the same, now if you excuse us." She took Bucky hand in hers and began storming down the hall to not speak to her grandmother.

February 1, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"No, you won't," She said winking at him, she pulled a chair and sat next to him, looking around, god, now she understands his complaints about his room in the tower.

"Celia, don't you think that maybe... you should talk to her?" Bucky told her as he tried to keep up with her pace.
February 1, 2023 Reply

Rolling over onto his side with a hiss he stared up at her, "no I would seal your lips instead and slowly take apart Harry Potter." He told her with a playful smirk. "You can join me in bed it's big enough to fit the both of us comfortably..."

Like every problem in her life, she runs away from it. This was no exception. "Why? For her to get her claws in to manipulate me as she did my uncle and father? I know better than to trust people like her. They come into your life only to leave you a broken shell of your former self."
February 1, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"You wouldn't do that either, those are books and we don't hurt books," he respect them too much, just like her, she was about to deny his proposal, but he would take that as an offense, "Alright, I'll have to do so, you're dying for my company," she teased and laid next to him, "These are almost closed," she said about the wounds on his face.

No, he won't discuss this now, "You have a point there, but we should see if she's pretending this or if she is actually helping us, don't you think that we should actually discuss what happened?" at least have some answers.
February 1, 2023 Reply

Dame her, she was correct. He would never bring harm to a book. "Fine, I'll nitpick every little flaw in the story and force you to listen in silence." To be fair he was blooding out not just a few hours ago. There was a soft hum from him. He could feel his body shifting and skin weaving together. His adrenaline dropped at last and the true pain of his injuries finally came crashing down on him along side the exhaustion. "Why did you came?" He finally asked, seeing her here was a shock let alone in his cell. To be honest he believed he was dreaming when he saw her.

Everything was screaming at her to run. "And how do we know she isn't lying? How do we know she isn't trying to use us to get to my father and Thor? Or to drag us into this family? She manipulate my father to stay here till he couldn't take it any longer. My father told me for 300 hundred years he wil leave yet she always dug her crawls into him for him to stay."
February 1, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
The question actually surprised her, "Is not obvious?" maybe not, he doesn't have the best record with previous relationships, "I love you Loki, I want to keep you safe," delicately she cupped his cheek, "I know we started our relationship yesterday," literally, "But I've been feeling like this for months now, and I know it's not a long time for you, but for me it is, and those months you've been away were hard, really hard, a-and the thought that now I could lose you forever was..." undescribable, man... this might be the worst love speech in history.

"Your father loves that woman, he did it out of love, you don't, and we both know that you would perfectly know if she is lying," she can't play that card, she might be the goddess of luck, but she's the daughter of the god of lies.
February 1, 2023 Reply

Leaning into the warmth warmth of her hand there was a faint smile from him as he listem to her speak as his chest tighten. When was the last time someone cared even the tenth as much as she did for him? "I- I suppose I forgot that relationships come with a caring partner..." It was nice for someone to worry over him so much. "I promise I won't leave again..." And he yawn with his exhaustion catching up to him.

Her father always choose his mother over herself. No she wouldn't cry. "Not all of us grow up in happy simple families James with loving mothers. I have my reasons for not speaking with her." Even if he disagrees with them they were still her reasons.
February 1, 2023
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Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"You better, I wouldn't like to be the toxic one in our relationship," she joked, "Get some sleep, I'll be here in case you need something."

"Alright, I'm sorry, I won't push you to do so," he'll shut up, although the moment will come and she might not be able to escape this time.

(So, Thor comes back with the cool sister?)
February 2, 2023 Reply

Loki smile at her before closing his eyes secure and drrifting off to sleep knowing he'll be safe and no one would hurt him for now.

Maybe she was a tad mean but her point still stood he didn't understand. He grew up with a family who at the end of the day loved each other while hers was and always been a broken mess.
February 2, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Maybe was an exaggeration, but she tried not to blink, she was afraid that something would happen or someone would come.

That same moment, there was a scandal inside the palace, to be more precise, inside the Kings chambers, soldiers and maids were screaming that the King has been murdered in his sleep.
February 2, 2023 Reply

Through the night he begin to toss and turn due to past terrors hunting his mind.

It wasn't too long did word make way to her and Bucky with Celia rushing to the chamber. After getting to his bedside she saw his head was severed clean. "Noo, I was going to end his life..." Twice! Twice now the opportunity to kill her grandfather slip between her fingers. "Wait... Where's Hela?"
February 2, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Thor just arrived and Hela was waiting for him on the bridge,"I told you that I was quicker than you," she told him with a smirk, "I see you've done it," Thor said looking at the chaos, "You weren't here to avoid it," It wasn't like he wanted to kill his father, but he let it to destiny, if he get there before her, he would protect him, but if she did... well, they already know the result.
February 2, 2023 Reply

If his brother was awake he likely being enjoying the amount of chaos and mayhem occupying right now. Something which he'll have to clean up. "So what now? You'll try and take the throne only for me to stop you?" He cannot allow her to take the throne she was far too dangerous.
February 3, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Looking at her nails she hummed, "You're quite different from Odin, so, I'll listen to your proposal," she's not going back to prison, that's for sure.
February 3, 2023 Reply

From the nails, to the poster, even how she talked it was so similar. "You're so much like my brother." That must be why their father was terrified of him. "I will let you be free if you promise to not kill anyone unjust or try and begin your conquest again. We are a peaceful realm now."
February 3, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She hummed, "I want to add something to our agreement..." she said, "I want to know my brother and niece," they had so much in common, one of them was wanting Odin dead.
February 3, 2023 Reply

"Wait, really?" Here he was about to panic over if she would fight for the throne. "You're free to do as you wish," for he's giving her a second chance along side her freedom, "and if you like I can introduce you to my brother and niece."
February 3, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(My head cannon is Hela wanting to be part of the coolest family ever XD)

"Yes, I would like to meet them," she was sounding cold, but she was actually quite excited, to have someone who can actually rely upon their pain and trauma.
February 4, 2023 Reply

(Na, she wants to be part of the most dangerous family in the multiverse and be the most dangerous member of it and the coolest)

This was going better than he expect it. "I'll introduce you to my niece first, my brother is currently resting after what Odin did to him." With that he grabs her waist twirled his hammer and threw it taking them to the sky and flying over all of Asgard.

February 4, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(well, the thing is that she wants to belong, and they are dangerous and cool, a bit traumatized but cool)

"Is your uncle carrying L-" Bucky was about to say Loki because of the colors of the hair and clothes, but then no... It wasn't even the female version of Loki, "Celia, Barnes, this is my sister, Hela," Thor said a bit awkwardly.
February 5, 2023 Reply

Well now she knew where Hela is, "you didn't lose an eye." She got an eye patch ready just in case. It seems they're on friendly terms. "I'm Celia Lokidottir, daughter of Loki and niece to Thor. This is my lover James but he goes by Bucky." Without missing a beat Hela asked. "Like a horse? Do we allow Midgardians on Asgard now?"
February 5, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Bucky offered his hand for her to shake, just to immediately placed it in his pockets feeling a bit intimidated, "Yes, from now on Midgardians can come, even my brother's lover is here, I think you're going to like her too," they do have small similarities too, "Anyways, Celia, my sister wanted to meet you and your father".
February 5, 2023 Reply
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Hela glance at the hand not dare bothering to raise a hand to shake it ane stare into his eyes, "hmm interesting..." She off handly remark before being lead by her niece. "I take it your mother dead." For her father was with a Midgardian and she was clearly part Olympian due to her eyes. Only those of the blood of Kronos has the chance of natural silver eyes.
February 6, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Celia's mother was killed by Zeus, but her and my brother have a very loving relationship now," Thor said offering a smile to his niece, "Now we are trying to construct a happy, healthy family relationship," Jane's words not really his.
February 6, 2023 Reply

There was a snort from Hela, "Zeus? I find that hard to believe." What does that mean? "I saw him do it-" "have you ever meet Zeus?" Hela cut her off with Celia narrowing her eyes not answering her question which told her she hasn't or doesn't remember. Celia ignore her and knock on her father door.
February 6, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat prepared a bath for Loki, his wounds were almost completely closed and she wanted to help him clean the dried blood, after that he changed into some elegant yet comfortable attire, she was about to go to find some food for him when she heard a knock, opening the door she changed her smile to an expression of surprise, "Hello Natalia," Thor said, "Is my brother feeling better? Our sister wishea to meet him".
February 6, 2023 Reply

When he heard the knock he kept himself out from the line of sight from the door. He only peak his head out when he heard his brother mention their sister to see what she look like. The two stare at each other with Loki being speechless. "I understand why Odin want you dead." They look so alike, "Thor are you adopted?" Loki whispered...
February 6, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"I'm starting to believe so," thinking since the moment he saw her, now he's starting to believe it, "Well, you won't have to worry about that anymore," Hella told him like it was nothing, she just killed their father, not big of a deal.
February 6, 2023 Reply

It didn't take much for him to puzzle it together by her statement and his daughter rather piss off demeanor. "Well that's both a relief yet worrying, who will take the throne?" Celia crossed her arms. "Frigga can, we leave her with the broken home she let rot." Loki narrow his eyes at Celia. "We will discuss this later."
February 6, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Why don't we go to have some dinner, or bring some here," Nat proposed awkwardly, yes, she was worried, Loki needed something to regain energy!

(I'm so heartbroken for them to break up, but I want the drama... So... I'll have to endure the heartbreak XD)
February 6, 2023 Reply

"Bring some here I rather not have to deal with anyone else." Let alone the warrior three and Sif, especially Sif. "I do doubt you will, everyone is avoiding me like I'm a plague."

(I love heartbreak... Oh god I think I die if my Spy Family broke up, I take it back)
February 6, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"I'll bring some food than, James, would you like to join me?" the three need a moment of privacy to discuss some or many things, so he went with her.

February 6, 2023 Reply

(No, it's not funny. They're perfect for each other... Not my poor baby girl Anya who helped stopped 2 terrorist bombings at the age of 4)

The three enter her father room which seem to have been dusted and had the life brought back to the room. Hela was scanning the room and inspecting his bookshelves. "You're a scholar?" Loki hum, "top of both Vanaheim and Alfheim capital academia's and I published now one the most reference book for the seidr art of illusions alongside sky walking." He was everything Odin was afraid of.
February 6, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
(Yeah, the same thing happens to me with our family in our rp, with the fellowship of the ring and another literary families)

"Our brother is one of the most," maybe the most, "Powerful sorcerer and illusionist of the nine realms," Thor said proudly, although Hela didn't seem quite impressed.
February 7, 2023 Reply

It was nice to hear such praise from his brother, he once look down on his use of seidr due to the stigma of it being a woman art. "And what of you Hela? I only know you're Odin first born who was banished to Helheim." For someone who takes pride in his knowledge it bugged him how he has such a gap in history by a few centuries before he was born. "I conquered the nine-" "seven" Celia corrected, "excuse me?" "Seven, Midgard has been left to itself. I know for I am of Midgard. Lastly there's Valhalla ruled by the Valkyrie."
February 7, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
This was a surprise for the goddess, mostly the Midgard part, she never thought Odin would give humans some kind of freedom, he kinda looked down at them, "Things have changed in the last few thousand years," Thor said, "We all have changed," he smiled to his brother and placed his hand over his shoulder, he was so proud of him.
February 7, 2023 Reply

Few?! It was a thousand years at most. "I was banished after our bastard of a father stole him," gesturing to Loki, "and decided to end our conquest of Jotunheim over a babe." Loki snorted at the mere idea. "He ended the war for he believed he could use me to conquer Jotunheim from the inside out."
February 7, 2023
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Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Well, I see Odin was an tyrant with more than one child, but I think he preferred to mistreat the dark haired ones," Hela said turning to see his closet, a very 'funny' collection. That moment Bucky and Nat came with some food for them and a bit of wine, that was Bucky's idea.
February 7, 2023 Reply

His clothes! Before he leaves, he must go through his closet and retrieve the clothes he wishes to take with him. Before he even turns around, he could smell the sweet bread. "Darling have I ever told you how much I adore you. The same goes for you as well Barnes." His daughter made him sit down as he took his plate. It was filled with fruit, bread, honey, and some meat.
February 7, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Saying it more often wouldn't hurt," she told him with a small smirk as she took a seat, "For me once is more than enough," Bucky told him before placing a kiss over Celia's forehead.
February 7, 2023 Reply

If he wasn't eating right now he would kiss her. Norms he was starving. Celia cuddle close to Bucky and kissed his cheek.
February 8, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
They had a nice(ish) dinner, they couldn't deny that it felt a bit awkward to have Hela there, Thor was trying quite too hard to make the dinner cheerful, but at times it was just cringe and he knew it. After that, Thor stood up, "This was great, but I'll let you rest brother," he had to talk to his mother, and see how she was, yes, he was mad at her, but that didn't mean that he hated her whatsoever.
February 8, 2023 Reply

The group began to flood out the room soon after with everyone wishing Loki a good night leaving only him and Natalia be.
Celia and Barnes left for a guest chamber to rest for the night. Hela however couldn't sleep. Staring out to Asgard grand city she felt odd. Everything was so different. This family was weird. Where's the backstabbing? The manipulation and lies?
February 8, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Holding Celia close in bed Bucky placed a kiss on her cheek, "It was a pretty crazy day, don't you think?" he asked her, obviously he was worried about all the feelings she had.

"You should try and get some more rest, you barely slept before," Nat said as she changed into a shirt that he gave her so she could be more comfortable.

It was a big change for the family they have just 5 years ago, it must be even bigger for the "family" that Hela had, she would be more than welcome, it wouldn't even be weird if Celia and Loki kinda looked up to her just because she killed Odin, or maybe they would feel jealous...
February 8, 2023 Reply

Crazy yet it wasn't the worst. "It went better than I could've ever imagined. I was worried we would have to destroy Asgard to stop Hela." Yet it seems Thor, Thor of all people, managed to reason with Hela. "I am worried about father..." Today was a lot for him.

Knowing what awaits him if he did manage to fall asleep he rather not. "I can't sleep." His mind was everywhere. "I'm going for a walk." He needs to clear his head.
February 8, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Yeah, me too, to be honest, he was doing so great now and this will make him spiral down again," he knows and he was being honest because they have to prepare for that, and it could be a matter of hours, days, or weeks.

She took a deep breath, she wanted to offer to join him, but if he wants her to do so he would ask, "Ok, please tell me if you need something, ok?" she told him pecking his cheek.
February 8, 2023 Reply

After him healing and finding himself, it was heartbreaking to know he would be going backwards. "Well this time he'll have us and his family." She says faking a smile when instead she was terrified of what her father could do to cope.

He could only give her the faintest of smiles as he hummed. "I will I promise darling, do try to get some rest I'll return shortly." He stepped away from her and out the room before heading for the garden.
February 9, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
He nodded, "He is not alone anymore, you're not alone either," He knows that she will try to fix everything alone, and she will try to push everyone away, he might be self-projecting, but still.

Waiting for him she took a seat on the couch he has facing the window and read for a while, she was trying to wait for him, but it was a tiring day for her too, so she fell asleep sitting there after a couple of hours.
February 9, 2023 Reply

Cuddling close to Bucky she hum with her mind drifting off to her father and knowing he will do this. "I know I just hope my father doesn't push everyone away."

By the time of his return he found Natalia fast asleep on his couch with a book open. Marking the page she was on he set it on his nightstand. Ever so carefully he lifted her into his arms and laid her down in bed tucking her in. He got a book and sat next to her reading.
February 9, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"He will try, but we won't stop insisting," he told her with a small smile, "Good night doll," Bucky said before pecking her lips.

She snuggled close to him and wrapped her arm around his waist in her sleep, it was not a peaceful night, she kept seeing him in his cell, layin on the ground, full of wounds, but she was just too tired.
February 9, 2023 Reply

Closing her eyes she finally drifted off to sleep to get some rest.

Running his hand through her hair as he read to offer her some familiar comfort. He even sung a bit too. Soon the sun was coming up, he watch the sunrise knowing he won't see it again for a very long time.
February 9, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
The next day arrived and Bucky woke up feeling the sun hit his eyes, god, he loves to wake up next to her.

She opened her eyes feeling his absence in bed, unbelievable, he carried her to bed, "You could asked me to walk to bed, you know?" she said joining him to the balcony.
February 9, 2023 Reply
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Burying her head against his chest hiding away from the sun she groans before finally opening her eyes. "Morning..."

There was a light airy breeze with the morning dew fresh in the air. "And woke you? No." He kept his gaze out towards the Bi-Frost seeing the sea rush fast below as it sparkles in the sun.
February 9, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Good morning sweetheart, did you rest well?" Bucky asked as he moved a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Hugging him from behind, she rested her chin over his shoulder, she was feeling a bit more affectionate for obvious reasons, "It has many flaws, but we can't deny that this city is beautiful".
February 9, 2023 Reply

Letting out yawn she gives a small nod and smiles up at him before giving him a kiss. "I did, you?"

Forced down his face in the dirt- sheets- with someone weighing him down whispering into his ear- exhaling he gave a light hum as he held one of her hands. "It is, I will miss it." He was fine. He wasn't in danger any longer. Why won't his mind let him be?
February 9, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Yes, I believe we will be returning to Earth today, right?" He knows that neither Loki nor Celia will like to spend another day in Asgard.

She took a deep breath, "I know that getting over this will be hard," she has experienced something like that before, "But just remember that you are not alone this time, we'll be here to help you, ok?" this was not like the previous time.
February 9, 2023 Reply

Another nod from her. "Correct, I know father would like to speak to Frigga before we depart."

Why was everyone treating him like he was some delicate flower? "I'm fine, I not some flower that can be trampled over." His wounds are fully healed and he made a full recover.
February 9, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Than maybe we could sneak to the kitchens while we wait," he was hungry, OK?! She spoiled him and now having breakfast became an habit.

Letting him go she stood next to him, "I think you know that I'm not talking about physical pain," obviously, "And no, I'm not saying you are delicate or weak, I'm sorry if you think I was implying that," then she looked down to the city, "Loki... I thought I would lose you, seeing you like that, in your cell made me realize, or confirm that I am scared for that to happen, that I would do anything to stop that, that I don't know what would I do if I lose you," it was a terrible feeling, "That's why I'm being a bit overprotective," just a bit, "Sorry if that bothers you".
February 9, 2023 Reply

There was some laughter from Celia who sat up in bed. "Let me get ready than we can sneak to the kitchen."

Everyone was treating him like he was some special flower that was wilting away yesterday. It's hard not to feel that way when they were. "If it's any comfort I've been in far worse states and left to die yet here I stand. I would've lived." He offer a faint smile to her trying to reassure her in someway. "I understand." Norms does he understand. "I'm not used to others fretting over me let alone knowing of my injuries. I've always hidden them to the best of my ability. When discovered I've downplayed them. I've always taken care of myself or went to Eir in secrecy." That was all new to him. This family was new.
February 9, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
He nodded, as she got ready he went to the bathroom to clean himself a bit, be a bit presentable in case he finds any member of her family, he wanted to make a good impression.

"No its not comforting," she said with a small smile, "I believe that you don't need to fake or hide anything anymore," it's not good for anyone, "I just can assure you, that if you think that I was too much now? You don't want me to be around you when it's worse," she joked to lighten up the mood a bit, she got it, not be so overprotective.
February 9, 2023 Reply

Brushing her hair and changing she glance at herself in a mirror before she was ready. "You ready Bucky?"

He shrugged, she couldn't say he didn't try. "You weren't truthfully, I know I can be far worse." His daughter could protest in agreement. It was just a lot of change all at once. After his life of secrecy it was strange but it was a nice change but one he must adjust too.
February 9, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Yep," he said walking out of the bathroom, "Let's go," taking her hand, both walked to the kitchen, not so surprisingly it was empty, all were mourning the king.

"Then you don't have the right to complain!" she said chuckling, "Come, we should find something to eat".
February 9, 2023 Reply

Norms it was rare to see the kitchen bare with not a soul in sight- "what are you doing? That must be disgusting." Hela was in the pantry eating some vegetables raw. Hela just shrugged, "had worse." Celia sighed and just grab a whole range of ingredients to make some breakfast

There was was chuckle from him. "I have every right too! Have you ever meet my daughter? I am far less reckless than her." Everyone was overprotective of her, including her.
February 9, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
It was curious and a bit awkward to sit next to Hela, who threatened to go a couple of times but then she smelled the food and stayed, "What are you cooking exactly?" Hela asked.

"She doesn't complain!" She got used to it! Kinda... At least she got used to her and Tony being overprotective.
February 9, 2023 Reply

Maybe she had ulterior motives with this breakfast maybe not. "A Midgardian classic, pancakes and waffles." She had an unbiased taste tester she will not let this opportunity go to waste. With her setting Hela plate down and Bucky.

"Anymore." She used to whine so much about "how overprotective" he was of her.
February 9, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Waffles are my favorite, we have a running argument about which one is the best, maybe you will help us to make the decision," he told Hela, she gave him a weird look but tasted the pancakes, god they tasted good, but then she tasted the waffles, "These are better," they were crunchier, Bucky couldn't hide his smirk.

"Still," she said with a smirk, "Although you look cute when you complain," flattering him always helps to cheer him up.
February 9, 2023 Reply

The betrayal! How could she?! "Wipe that smirk off your face or this will be your last meal!" Pancakes were superior! "She just one individual! She was eating a potato raw she doesn't have any taste in food!"

Should he take that as a compliment? "You're fortunate I love you." He told her with a smile. "Shall we go see if my daughter finished breakfast."
February 9, 2023
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Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She wanted to be offended by her comment, but no, no, no, no, no... she laughed, Bucky looked shocked at Celia before he chuckled softly.

"I do consider myself lucky, thank you very much," She smiled, then they went to the kitchen, just to find Bucky, Celia, and Hela laughing their asses off.
February 9, 2023 Reply

He could tell his daughter was trying to play as if she was offended but couldn't wipe the smile off her face. "Both of shut up! And you," pointing at her father, "not a word!" Why did she point at him! He hasn't done anything... Today.
February 9, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Drying her tears Hela looked at his brother and the woman, she felt a bit awkward now, but she has never laughed like this before, not that she remembers though, "Are you arguing about pancakes again?" Nat said looking at the plates, they have been asking her that same question like 400 times now.
February 9, 2023 Reply

It was about to be the 401-time Celia asked her if she wasn't careful. "These fools believe waffles are better than pancakes!" Gesturing to both Hela and Bucky with Loki snorting as he took some pancakes to have for breakfast. Whatever makes his daughter happy. "Indeed fools, everyone knows pancakes are superior."
February 9, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Now it's a tie!" Bucky said with indignation, "The choice is up to the mor-" nope, maybe she should rephrase that, "Natalia, right?" she just wanted to confirm her name, "Yes, and I don't know, it really depends on my mood, and the variants Celia makes, but today I'm in the mood for pancakes," sorry...
February 9, 2023 Reply

There was an evil laugh from the princess who cheer in victory! "Ha pancakes are superior eat that sucker!" Her father just snorted at his daughter gloating in her "victory" a nice change in pace for this morning from the previous day.
February 9, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"She said today!!" Bucky exclaimed, "that's not a fair victory!" and as they kept discussing, Hela was just thinking about how did she get into this crazy family...
February 9, 2023 Reply

They were all close enough to know what was fine to joke about without crossing any line nor were they afraid too. They were comfortable around each other and felt safe to be their chaotic goofy selves. Soon breakfast came to a close with Loki excusing himself to go speak to his mother before the departure.
February 9, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
The three of them kept talking in the kitchen, Hela, who was feeling a bit more comfortable now, was asking about the two mortals, it was a bit strange for her that her brothers and niece would have choose mortals as lovers.
February 9, 2023 Reply

During the discussing she learned more of her niece childhood and it all made sense for her why she fell in love with a mortal. "That's why you have a faint smell of death. You're supposed to be dead." She must admit Celia likely feel in love with one of the oddest Midgardian.
February 9, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Not to say the oddest, "Rude, but yes, there were times that I wish I was," before Celia tho, after that, as cheesy as it sounds, he couldn't be happier to have the chance to live and be with her.
February 10, 2023 Reply

Hela just snorted, "everyone at one point or another wishes they were dead." She notice Barnes staring at her niece with a smile which her niece return and held his hand. They were disgusting.
February 10, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat did noticed her expression and chuckled, "Believe me, you don't get used to that," yes the two were very, very loving.
February 11, 2023 Reply

She hopes her brothers weren't as affectionate as her niece. "Father can be just as affectionate." She is going to be sick.
February 11, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Not... All the time..." in her defense, their defense, now, she does wonders why did his brother fell for that mortal.
February 11, 2023 Reply
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There was a snort from Celia, "of course my father has to keep up his cold persona."
February 11, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
And said cold person walked into the kitchen a few moments later informing them that Thor would stay for a while to get things settled, Hela would return to Hel, not as a prisoner, but now to rule, "Then we should pack," Bucky said, he knew that Celia would like to "borrow" some things from Asgard. Nat wanted to pick up some medicine and elixirs mostly for him.
February 13, 2023 Reply

So that's what they did, they stole everything they might need in the future alongside what her father left behind when he left Asgard as Natalia got everything Loki might need in the future. After Loki and Celia said his farewells to his family, Thor giving him a massive hug with Loki returning it than Loki gave one to his mother.
February 13, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
And with that they went back to the tower, and when they walked in, the team might organize Loki a welcome party because they knew that he needs to feel better with himself
February 14, 2023 Reply

Did it boost Loki ego? Very, yet to brought him a comfort he never felt before. Only his close family and Eir ever cared for his safety. He had a family of friends who cared for him. No he did not get teary eyed at seeing the gold and green banners spelling out "welcome home Loki".
February 14, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
The small gathering was planned and organized by Tony, he knows how does being kidnapped feels, and by the look of it... A lot of things happened on the last 24 hours.
February 14, 2023 Reply

Ever the genius Tony made sure Celia had everything she needed for her to make her father favorite food which she did. It was a nice quiet party with everyone gathering around to watch a movie with everyone arguing over what to watch. Loki was happy to watch anything.
February 14, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
And then finally calm, they were just watching a Disney classic, they all love them and they were really comforting. Nat might be humming and lip syncing the dialogs, just might.
February 14, 2023 Reply

The four took up the whole couch with Loki laying his head on Natalia lap and his legs and feet across Celia lap as she cuddle next to Bucky. Sometime during the movie Loki had fallen asleep still healing from yesterday.
February 14, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
One by one the team left them after the movie finished, they wanted him to have some rest. "If you want to go with Bucky you can, I can handle him," Nat said with a small smile.
February 14, 2023 Reply

Kissing her father head she whisper a goodnight to the two before heading to bed with Bucky. Loki himself still laid peacefully on his lover lap.
February 14, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat played another movie as she brushed his hair with her fingers so he could relax even more and try to keep the bad memories at bay.

"Well, it was a good welcome, I was afraid of he question the team could have, but thankfully they didn't pressured him.
February 14, 2023 Reply

Both the noise from the TV and his darling loving brushes offered him great comfortable.

Slipping into one of his shirts she climb into bed and hum. "I knew Tony wouldn't," for he been through a similar experiment, "but everyone else was a gamble which paid off." She was thankful for the lack of questions directed at him by the team.
February 14, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
A few weeks passed by and things were... pretty messy with Loki, he clearly was having some kind of identity crisis and he was not the same person every day, literally, he was changing his gender and a bit his personality almost every day, it was tiring for Nat, but she loves him, so he will be there to support him.

(Can you start the Strange part?? because I don't really know how is Celia dragged into that situation)
February 14, 2023 Reply

Everyone on the team believed they knew something terrible must've happen back on Asgard to Loki for he never been this way before. Even after Thanos she was never like this. Loki was drinking more, being far more flirtation, and even going to parties.

For years Celia has dreaded this week knowing this will be the end of a friendship. They both know that the ancient one will pass away sometime today. So she was going to stop it by first breaking into a sanctum to try and reason with her to save her life.
February 14, 2023
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Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
For Nat things were difficult, well, the good side was that she learned that she would love him no matter the gender, which was surprising for some, the bad side was... everything else, it was so hard to deal with all of this, looking at him talking or flirting with other people, she tried to go with him most of the times, but there were some occasions where she was too physically or mentally exhausted to go, but she trusts him, she knows that he won't do anything to hurt her.

That moment she was working on a spell, she knows what's comming and she needs to be prepared and needs everyone to be prepared too, then she saw her friend, "Celia, you know that you are not supposed to be here right now".
February 16, 2023 Reply

To Loki surprise, both in relief and joy, Natalia didn't care for whatever gender they shifted to. Similar to themselves. Through they have a feeling she has a preference for them as a man. This evening was like any other evening for them. She was doing her makeup ever so flawlessly and getting ready to have some fun. Like always looking fabulous in an emerald thigh slit cut dress.

Nabbing a sling ring she pocket it away for latter as she walk towards her friend. "I never did care much for rules. Nor would I sit idle and allow my friend to be killed." They both know she never could. "Why do you believe in such a thing as predetermined fate? It's a misconstrued belief to allow people to have a misguided comfort that everything to a degree is predetermined when it's not." She is proof of that.
February 16, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat was also ready, obviously, she wasn't as "produce" as her, but she looked good, but this was one of the days that she didn't want to leave the room, "Hey, I was thinking..." she told her as she wrapped her arms around her waist, "Do we really need to go out today?"

"Celia, this has to happen, I can't be here and expect that Strange would do a good job, there are things that can be changed, this is not one of them," her death means a lot for the sake of the universe.
February 16, 2023 Reply

Stopping in the middle of putting on her lipstick she lower it and stare at her lover eyes in the mirror. They were gorgeous together... "Not truly," they never did, "but it's such fun unless you have something else in mind."

"Why not?" Why does she believe her presence makes other lives more difficult? "You can teach him more. Be a guiding hand for him."
February 16, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Well... we could do something more relaxing, what about a bath, with one of the finest wines we could ever taste," they would steal it from Tony of course, "Maybe read together, we haven't done that in forever," she said with a small pout, yes, she at least has to play the "cute" card.

"He has to learn alone," and some things she can't teach him, "Celia, I've explained this to you many times, it can't be changed," she won't change it.
February 16, 2023 Reply

Between those two things it did sound like a nice quiet evening, "hmm, it does sound rather tempting..." When was the last time they spent a quiet night together? "And how could I ever say no to such a cute face?"

"He will never learn alone others will help guide him, you do not have to die for him to learn." She could simply retire and leave this all behind, she deserves it after all these years.
February 16, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
With a grin she gave her a kiss on her cheek, "The bathtub is ready," of course she had everything ready in case she back down as she was waiting.

"It's not just that Celia, with my death other possibilities will open, things that would mean the salvation of our universe and you also know that retiring is not an option," she cannot be there and just ignore everything that's going on.
February 16, 2023 Reply

Was she planning this from the beginning? "Oh, how lovely..." She mutter staring at the tub. She didn't expect this.

"Your death only taught Strange a lesson one he will learn soon enough." Her death didn't save their universe for Strange would still do what he did before. "Even if things don't go as planned I can fix it." Like she has been for most other disaster she stopped.
February 16, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
And with that both took of their clothes and got in the bath, resting her back over Loki's chest she took a deep breath, "I missed this... I missed you," she finally said.

"Celia, you cannot fix this, the universe doesn't depend on you, the fact that you knew what's going to happen in your reality, doesn't mean that you know what will happen here, you changed everything and everyone has a different destiny," still her remains.
February 17, 2023 Reply

Even in the bath she was stiff she was gripping the bathtub lip to keep herself grounded. Everything was fine, they're just sharing a bath nothing more. "As did I." She agreed lying through her teeth.

The universe does depend on her or else it splinter in half and become broken. "Yet yours stayed the same. I can change it. You don't have to die. Why do not want me to even try? Do you wish to die so badly?" She doesn't have to leave her.
February 17, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Nat knows Loki too well, she knows that she's lying, but she decided to ignore it, they will have a nice moment, so she poured two glasses od wine, maybe that way she will relax for a bit.

"I don't wish to, but is something I have to do," she told her, but she knows what ilis this about, "Celia, this is not about you," it's bigger than her.
February 17, 2023 Reply

Maybe it would relax her norms knows she needs it. So, she took the wine glass and took a sip this was just bonding nothing else. Natalia didn't want anything like that with her.

Why does everyone always tell her that? "I know it's not," she isn't stupid, "this is about Strange, our universe, and many others." Why wasn't she good enough? Did she not believe in her? She could balance it all. She has carried the universe on her shoulders and made them look like a pair of wings.

(*cough* broken wings *cough*)
February 17, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Could you finish the book that I gave you?" she asked her trying to sound casual, she wanted her to talk and open up, something that she stopped doing a few months ago, Nat was feeling that she was losing Loki, but maybe it was all in her head, nothing more.

The ancient one took a deep breath and stopped what she was doing to go over Celia and place her hands over her shoulders, "Celia, you are my dearest friend, and I know how powerful you are, but not even you can change this," it will happen one way or another.
February 17, 2023 Reply

Could she? "I finished it a week ago. It was a lovely book. Dare I say better than those children and their broomsticks?" There was the old snarky tease of hers.

She didn't believe in her. "Yes, I can fate is not real it's merely a concept invented by us mortals." She believed in fate more than she believed in her. "I will prove it to you." She wasn't leaving her friend side till the threat passed no matter what.
February 17, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
There she was, "Hey!" she said splashing a bit of water on her, "I'll never understand why are you so against a children book, you don't even want to give it a chance, not even watch the movies".

The ancient one was about to argue, but then it happened, Kaecilius, "It is time," so she just opened the mirror dimension and went to find her old pupil.
February 18, 2023 Reply
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There was some laughter from the Goddess. "I am not, I simply love seeing you frustrated. You're so cute when you are." Giving her the co*ckiest grin and somehow in her feminine form it was even more smug. "One of my favorite books is a children's book."

Sometimes it's impressive how she knows when it was time. Standing by her longtime friend she made a platform with everyone surrounding them. Modro ever the observant one spoke what everyone knew. "It’s true. She does draw power from the Dark Dimension." The Ancient One knew she could not speak reason to Modro now. "Kaecilius." Calling out to her former student with him telling her. "I came to you broken, lost, bleeding. I trusted you to be my teacher, and you fed me lies." So many hurt themselves. "I tried to protect you." With him asking with a co*cky air. "From the truth?" There were sorrow mix with her next words. "From yourself." "I have a new teacher now." He tells her. "Dormammu deceives you. You have no idea of what he truly is. His eternal life is not paradise, but torment." She forewarns. "Liar." And they begin to fight. Both Celia and the Ancient one side by side flawlessly. Both knowing by instinct the others moves and abilities after centuries together. How she can shift the dimension to her wishes and how Celia can change its terrain to icy platforms, forests, and meadows with her own magic. She however kept to her blade with Kaecilius pushing one of his lackies in her way with Celia stabbing him only to stab her friend by mistake.
February 18, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"You are unbearable," she said chuckling, God she missed to be like that with her, "Which book?" she asked her.

And with that Ancient one fell and also fell from a building because the mirror dimension was closed. Stephen, not wanting to deal with Celia, just took her to a hospital, but it was too late, she was gone.
February 19, 2023 Reply

"You've never read it for it's an old tale from Vanaheim," her mother homeland, "it's called the princess and the assassin." Clearly he adore the book as a child. "Who knew I would fall for an assassin?" With her smile turning genuine and loving.

Alone in the waiting room sat the princess who just stare down at her hands. They were bloody from killing her friend- mother- with her own sword- knife. She's a monster... With Christina telling her what she already knew that her friend had passed. All because of her.
February 19, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
She blushed softly, god she loves her, "Who knew I would fall for a prince/princess," she told her with a smile resting her head over her shoulder, yes, it was all in her head, both were good, just going through a rough patch, that's all.

Stephen walked out, he wanted to talk to Celia, her friend told him what she was feeling, this wasn't her fault, it was just destiny, stupid destiny, "Celia?" he said softly to catch her attention.
February 19, 2023 Reply

Wrapping her arms around her waist she smiled into her scalp inhaling her fruity scent before kissing it. This was going far better than she believed it would, she was stressed for no reason at all. Sometimes her mind gets the best of itself.

For someone who grew up surrounded by death she should be used to it by now yet here she was unable to process what happen. When she heard her name, she turns to see Dr. Strange. He must despise her. "I won't bother you, the school, and sanctums any longer. I am sorry I never meant..." Her words died in her throat as she attempted to choke back her tears.
February 19, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
They had a nice bath together, then both were laying in her bed, in pj's, with a face mask to make it more relaxing, snacking as they watch a movie, this was paradise for Nat.

He knelt before her, god this was awkward, "You didn't do this, this wasn't your fault," it wasn't, it would happen no matter what.
February 20, 2023 Reply

As they watch they watch the movie Loki was redoing her nails. Tonight was a lovely night. It was calm and peaceful. Soon enough he finished all her nails and was cuddle next to Natalia as she let out a yawn.

Great he saw her as an upset child and is using his former, (current?), profession to offer her false comfort. "It is." It’s all her fault. She stood from her seat. "I'll get out of your way now, you have a universe to keep save."
February 20, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"I know it's been difficult," she began to say, "But you know that I'm here for you, that I love you and I won't leave you alone," she needed to tell her that, in case she forgot about it, "I have to admit that I was scared for some time, I thought you were pushing me away".

"Go home, get some rest, I'll pay you a visit tomorrow to talk about what happened," now he has no time, he has to stop Kaecilius.
February 20, 2023 Reply

Should she tell her the truth? About the past months and how old memories were resurfacing how she felt about everything? "I was never trying to push you away... I- I still learning how to heal in a healthy manner. It's difficult." She keeps on falling back into old habits for dealing with trauma. She done them so many times it was just instinct to.

Maybe by tomorrow she will find a gutter to lay down and die in where people won't prob her. She just gave a nod before opening a portal herself and stepping through it to her bedroom in the tower with it closing behind her.
February 20, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Hey... No, don't feel bad about this, we should have talked about this before, but what I want you to know is that you can count on me," she told her as she held her hand.

There was Bucky waiting for her, he was worried and he was even more worried when he saw her with her hands and clothes with blood, "My God! Doll! Are you alright?!" he ran towards her and started to inspect to see if she was alright.
February 20, 2023 Reply

Squeezing her hand, she smiled at the love of her life. "And I am grateful for you every day for it. You been so patience and understanding. I'm fortunate to have found you..." She brought her hand to her lip and kissed it.

Jerking her hands away from him and taking a few steps back tears weld up in her eyes. "I'm fine." Not a single scratch. "I-" the sword slide like butter through the tissue of one person only to slid into her friend in the same manner, "she dead." Her voice died in her throat forming a lump as she stares down at her bloody hands.
February 20, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Cupping her cheek she kissed her lips, pouring all her love in the kiss, a moment later she broke the kiss, "I believe we should get some sleep," she told her, it was more than evident that she was tired, or maybe too relaxed.

Oh, he knows what she meant, "I'm so sorry Celia," he told her, softly he took one of her hands and lead her to her bed so she can calm down.
February 20, 2023 Reply

Giving her one last kiss for the night she pulled her close to her and kissed the side of her head. "I love you darling." She let out one last yawn before closing her eyes to get some rest.

Her mind was scatter between both her friend and mother's death both she caused. Her hands scarlet with the deaths she has caused. "I'm a monster..."
February 20, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"I love you more," she told her, she watched her sleep for a bit, then she fell asleep too.

"Shhh... No, you're not," Bucky told her as he brought a wet towel to clean her hands, "Don't ever say that again".
February 20, 2023 Reply

Old terrors plagued her in her sleep till they awoken her in the early hours of the new day. No longer could she sleep so she left to forget the past memories and to clear her mind at some bar in the city.

"I killed my own mother..." No matter how much she scrubbed her hands raw she just saw her hands covered in the blood of both her mother figures.
February 20, 2023
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Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
After a moment Nat felt the bed empty, she called her name many times, trying to see if she was in the room, but no, then she asked JARVIS if she was in the building, also no, so she tracked her, she was not that proud of that, but in her defense, she was feeling that something was wrong.

"No... Zeus did it, remember? You told me," maybe she just got confused with her friend's death.
February 20, 2023 Reply

At first she came here to drown out her memories by all the chaos and alcohol. Yet somewhere between her twenty shot and the chaos she found herself at some poll giving a dance of sorts to some men.

"I was Zeus." There was no Zeus. "I couldn't process what I've done so I blamed him." Now she could. "I was the one who stabbed her to death."
February 21, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Walking inside the bar she was shocked, she was picturing 100 scenarios in her head, but that wasn't one of them, pushing everyone out of her way, she got into the "stage" and dragged Loki out, honestly... She didn't know where the strength came from, "What the hell?!" she said letting her go once they were outside.

This was... Hard, but if there's anyone who can understand, it was him, "Do you remember why?" he has to be the calmest guy on earth right now.
February 21, 2023 Reply

Neither did the Goddess one second she was on stage the next she was outside the bar with Natalia screaming at him. "Yes, what the hell?!" Okay maybe she was a bit tipsy. "What’s gotten into you?! What gives you the right to yank me off the poll and drag me out here?"

Closing her eyes she tries to to remember. There was so much blood she was covered in it. Her father had a stab wound and was holding her and humming. "My father was stabbed, they must've gotten into a fight."
February 21, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"What gives me the right?" is she actually asking that? "Don't you think that I have a bit of a right to take the person that I'm with, in a sentimental relationship, and ask her to respect said relationship?" yes, she was jealous, but it wasn't out of nowhere.

Is she telling him that Loki was in a very violent and abusive relationship with her mother? well... that was a talk for another moment, "Celia, maybe you were trying to defend your father, you were trying to protect him," it's not like she just attacked her mother because she felt it would be fun.
February 21, 2023 Reply

She dare to let out a snort and roll her eyes at her lover, "oh now you're jealous. You never did care about all the other times I flirted with others." She's done it when she was sitting right next to her and she never said a word. "Maybe I got bored, hmm?" She ask giving a co*cky smile.

Maybe? "I still killed her, I killed-" she choked up on her words as tears fell from her eyes. She buried her face in her hands. Maybe her biological mother was a terrible mother but her adoptive mother was her best friend and she killed her.
February 21, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"I did cared! It broke my heart! To think that I wasn't enough for you! To think that-" but then she told her, the words that since day one were her nightmare, with her eyes tearing up she took a deep breath to calm herself, "Well... I can't say that you didn't warn me," then all was a lie, what she told her just a few hours ago, she was an idiot to believe her, a fool, "Then I'll let you have your fun, goodbye Loki," and with that she just walked away, she wasn't even trusting her own powers right now.

Holding her in his arms he let her cry, she needs to let everything out, there will be more than enough time to talk.
February 21, 2023 Reply

The once co*cky smirk fell from her face and she call out to her lover only for her to ignore them all. All she could do was watch her fade into the crowds. This wasn't what she had planned. She had planned for them to fight for her to insult her and she return them till she slapped or hit her in retaliation. Not for her to lose the love of her life. Maybe she deserves to be alone. All she does is hurt people. She began walking back to the tower herself. When she returned she found herself pouring herself a hefty drink.

Burying her face into his chest she sat there and sob for almost an hour. All the pain of today poured out of her till she was drained. By the time her tears dried she had fallen asleep.
February 21, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
By the time Nat got into the tower, she already called Mason, he found a small studio apartment for her, not too far from the tower but far enough to keep distance from Loki, she couldn't even think of the possibility of seeing them every day and worse, keep seeing that they didn't give a damn about it. She teleported everything, she will talk to Celia and Tony when she's more calm.

He just held her there, stroking her hair, trying to calm her everytime she flinched or moved. In the morning he will go to talk to Loki about this, after all, he knows what really happened.
February 21, 2023 Reply

Every time she pour another drink she would think of all the grave mistakes and regrets she made. Tonight was one more to add to the long list. Sometimes it seems it's all she could do.

Past memories haunted her of her mother and the vile ways she treated her as a child. How she used to leave her alone with her twisted family if she made even a tiny mistake in their presence. They would play twisted games with her when she was alone.
February 21, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Oh my, someone is drinking earlier than me, that's unacceptable," Tony said walking in, "rough night?"

Bucky let her sleep and went to grab something for breakfast for the two, or maybe it was a snack before she starts to cook.
February 21, 2023 Reply

Somehow her night was and is getting worse by the hour. "I am not in the mood Stark go harass someone else."

(Best if we return to this later)
February 21, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94

"I take that as a yes," he told him pouring himself a glass, "Where is Nat?" it was weird to see her alone and not with Natalia, or at least Celia, but it was more probable that her girlfriend would be with her right now.
February 21, 2023 Reply

It was a fair question, if she didn't break her heart she likely be here trying to comfort her. "Likely long gone, we're not a couple any longer." Anyone can puzzle together why she was here now.
February 21, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
So... this was very, very unexpected, "What happened?" he asked, it was shocking! both were clearly in love, although it was obvious why both would break up, Loki messed up, but how?
February 21, 2023 Reply
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At least he didn't frame it as if it was automatically her fault. "I was a fool and did something which I shouldn't have. Natalia was furious when she saw before she took me out and we began to argue. I said something which I knew what would upset her and she ended it because of it."
February 21, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"I'm going to need a bit more context than that if you want me to help, which you clearly want," she could have left, but there she was, execting him to say something.
February 21, 2023 Reply

The only reason she was willing to tell Stark was because she knew he's done far worse. "I might have gave a pole dance to some men. Natalia arrived and dragging me out. We got into a bit of an argument because of it and I said perhaps I got bored which I believed I would set her off but she believed me..." He can puzzle together the rest.
February 21, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
Don't think of Loki pole dancing and focus on the other things. He knows why Nat got so affected, she talked about it once, although he assured her it was just a joke and that wouldn't happen, "So you did wanted an argument? Don't you think that's just... A bit toxic? What were you expecting? Her to punch you?" the last part was obviously a joke.
February 22, 2023 Reply

"Yes." The joke flew over her head and she believed it was a genuine question. "Don’t most seek out arguments and fights in relationships?" Wasn't it part of a normal relationship? "This happened in all my previous relationships well aside from Sigyn. She despise violence. I never saw her lay a hand on a weapon but that was just who she was." Sigyn was an unique and very wise woman. It's why she was so drawn to her.
February 22, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"No!" ok, that was too quick, "man... you need a therapist, mine was Banner, I can borrow him to you," or better a more prepared therapist, "No, you don't seek conflicts or discussion in a relationship, and violence is not something normal, maybe for you, it is, just because you are used to, but it's not a healthy thing... actually, Nat was the rational that moment," which was very surprising, because she loves to be right, he always thought that she would start the arguments in that relationship.
February 22, 2023 Reply

"What is a therapist? And you may keep Banner to yourself." For he knew Stark couldn't mean a healer for he knew she was physically fine and only a tad tipsy. "How lovely what I believed to be normal for a relationship is instead unhealthy and it was how I ruined our relationship." With her pouring herself another shot because what's the point anymore? She ruined the best relationship she ever been in again for the second time. "I deserve this..." She mumbled into the bar. This hurts far worse than being hit or insulted ever would. She deserves to be alone.
February 22, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
He took a deep breath and took her glass out of her hand, "First, to keep having this conversation you're going to have two strong cups of coffee and maybe a shower, than we'll fix this," he will! He's the mechanic after all
February 22, 2023 Reply

She rather have two very strong glasses of mend than some coffee. "Hey I rightfully claimed that!" She knew she wasn’t getting it back. "What is there to fix? I broke Natalia heart. I doubt she ever wishes to see me again." With her finally getting up from the bar to make some coffee.
February 22, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"Alright, we both know that I'm not the most romantic man in the world," said the man that got his girlfriend a 3 meters stuffed rabbit for Christmas, "But you don't deserve to get hurt and Natalia doesn't deserve either, if she was half special as you said that she was, I would be fighting for her, talk to her, say what you truly feel," heal in a healthy way, "stop putting up excuses and self pitying yourself, now you're having a chance to have a normal-is life, you have your daughter, you have a woman that you love, you have your brother and you like it or not, you have friends too," she was not alone, not anymore.
February 22, 2023 Reply

"Normal boring." She whines as she turns on the coffee machine and makes some coffee. "Maybe I want to loath myself." With her taking a sip of the bitter substance. "I deserve to be hurt after everything I've done." All the pain, death, and destruction she causes. "I should've stayed in my cell. It's where I belong..." She doesn't deserve a happy life. "I'm a monster. I'm a failure of a parent. A horrible lover. An awful sibling. A terrible child. And an even worse friend." All she does is hurt others like she is right now. "I deserve every bad thing that has ever happen to me and worse."
February 22, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
sh*t... this man/woman/god/goddess... maybe he has to change his strategy, "But do we?" yes! he will include himself! "Do you think that your suffering only affects you? as I told you, you are not alone, look how your daughter, brother, former girlfriend, and friend went to rescue you, you don't think it hurts them too? We won't just let you go just like that," maybe he can start healing to take care of the rest.
February 22, 2023 Reply

"Why couldn't Odin just leave me to die on Jotunheimen?" Perhaps she was being overdramatic. Tonight, was awful. So, she did the smart and responsible thing. Get another cup of coffee and gulp it down all at once as it burned her throat. "No, but you all likely be better off if you did. Well, I'm off to bed now. Maybe I'll write another musical? Last time when Sigyn ran away and got married I wrote phantom of the opera."
February 22, 2023

Thunderstruck Avengersfangirl94
"You wrote one of the greatest musicals in history?!" that was shocking, but then he had an idea, "I know for sure that one of Nat's favorite musical is Phantom of the opera," just to give her an idea, "All I ask of you and point of no return are her favorite songs from it..." she used to hum them a lot... a lot, "I am sure you will do the right thing, for now, I'll find a therapist for you".
February 22, 2023 Reply

Was it truly so successful? Midgardians go through things so quickly. "She might have had a cute moment learning of such." It was absolutely adorable and heartwarming for her. One of her favorite memories. "Goodnight Stark." With that she headed off to bed.
February 22, 2023

Thunder and Alaina awesome rp, now vol. 4 - Chapter 4 - Alaina0234 (2024)


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.