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November Newsletter - Learning and Growing Together

Richmond Rose PS 160 Frank Endean Road Richmond Hill, Ontario 905-737-4311 [emailprotected]

Each and every day Mrs. Rudman and I learn something new and wonderful about Richmond Rose. It is clear that it is an inclusive, engaging and active school. Students participate in a wide variety of learning across the curriculum, and are taking part in many school and community based activities including…

Volleyball Intermediate Math Club Lunch Monitors ECO Team

Library Monitors Office helpers Peace Tree Initiative Peer Leaders PA Announcers Games Club

All of these things and more contribute to our understanding that all students are leaders in our building. We continually thank them for their support and encourage them to continue to demonstrate their leadership and dedication to their school and community. Teachers are also very active throughout the school. Staff are actively engaging in conversations about school planning, determining our goals for the year, in several areas, including literacy, numeracy, equity, and wellbeing, just to name a few. Our intention is to include parents and guardians in these discussions, as their input and voice are an important factor in our journey as a school. Over the coming months, we will be sharing our school planning journey with our school council. We encourage parents to attend our council meetings as a way to be a part of the dialogue between school and parents.

Shannon Philp Jean Rudman Principal Vice-Principal

Administration Message

Shannon Philp Principal

Jean Rudman Vice-Principal

Clayton LaTouche


Carol Chan Trustee

Ann Lem

School Council Chair

Upcoming Events

Nov 4/5th Dental Screening Kindergarten, & Grades 2 & 8

Nov 4th School Council – 7p.m. in the library All Parents Welcome Nov 11th Remembrance Day ceremony Nov 13th Diwali Lunch Celebration Nov 16th Grade 8 students visit home secondary schools Nov 12th Progress Reports go home Nov 14 / 15th Parent – teacher interviews

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Lunch Procedures In order to ensure student safety, we are asking parents and guardians to help by considering the following options when preparing students for the lunch period.

Students can help pack their lunches in the morning prior to the start of school. Having students be a part of packing and making their lunches can help build a sense of responsibility, and establishes a sense of pride, and independent thinking. They can pack their lunch in their school bag before coming to school so it is ready as soon as the bell rings. Students do indeed have the opportunity to retrieve their lunches right at lunchtime. They then have a full 20 minutes to eat and have positive social time with their peers.

Parents can drop lunches off in the front foyer before the lunch bell rings. Packing lunch in an insulated bag or thermos will definitely keep food hot and fresh hours before lunch begins. Parents or guardians are asked to place lunch bags in the designated spot, according to their child’s grade, on the book shelf in the front foyer. Parents dropping off lunches for kindergarten students can place them on the top of the book shelf. Stickie notes and pens are available on the lunch drop off shelf to label the lunch bags it you have not already labeled the lunch bag with your children’s name. Parents and guardians are welcome to wait in the front foyer, on the left side of the hallway, and pass lunches to students. In order to make sure students are safe, all students picking up lunches will line up outside of the conference room (fish bowl) and wait for direction from an adult to proceed.

Parents and guardians can always sign students out for lunch. Any guardians or other family members who are not noted on school registration papers as someone who is allowed to withdraw a student will need to speak to someone in the office prior to signing out a student.

We thank you for your understanding and for making sure that safety is a top priority at Richmond Rose Public School.

If parents and guardians are dropping off lunches, please place them in the grade specific locations. Grades are labeled at the top of each shelf. Kindergarten lunches are to put on the top of the shelving unit.


At Richmond Rose, we take responsibility for our work,

words and actions. We put in our best efforts,

enjoy our successes, and learn from our mistakes.

We embrace each other's differences and care for each

other's feelings. We think before we speak and use words that are appropriate

for school. Our community is a safe

community; a place where we treat people with kindness,

respect and dignity No one is afraid at our school. At Richmond Rose, we are free

to succeed!

Touchstone Focus for

the month:

We treat others with


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COFFEE & CHAT Mr. Philp & Mrs. Rudman welcome parents

and guardians to Richmond Rose for a morning of coffee and conversation.

Our first Coffee and Chat will be on Tuesday, November 12th at 9:00 a.m.

We would love to meet with you.

Diwali(Deepavali) Both names mean a row or garland of lights. Also known as the Festival of Lights, Diwali is probably the most widely celebrated Hindu festival. This festival may be celebrated over a five-day period. The diwas (clay pots filled with oil and a wick) herald the start of the new year and symbolize the triumph of good over evil, of light over darkness. For many Hindus, November 4, New Year’s Day, is also very important. Tamil Hindus may celebrate Diwali on November 2.

We would like to invite students and parents to Richmond Rose Public School’s Diwali celebration taking place on Wednesday, Nov 13th. Please see the information letter emailed to

parents with the newsletter.

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Literacy Connections @ Richmond Rose

With the academic year 2013-2014 well under way, staff at RRPS are engaging in discussions leading up to our revised School Improvement Plan (SIP). Over the past month, teachers have been looking at a wide range of data, collected from achievement sources such as EQAO and Provincial Report Cards, as well as input from staff, students and the parent community. By asking critical questions and engaging in deeper conversations about the data, RRPS is narrowing in and identifying key areas of need leading up to the revision of our SIP. A SIP includes specific goals in 5 areas of school improvement. These include Literacy, Numeracy, Equity, Engagement and Well Being. By creating SMART goals, all stakeholders can work together to pool resources and programs to meet the improvement needs of the school.

A SMART goal in Literacy and Numeracy will work towards bringing about strategies that will support ongoing student achievement. A goal in the area of Engagement will help us explore strategies that will make learning experiences personalized and more meaningful for students. A goal in the area of Equity will help us ensure that all staff and students are welcomed and included and that fairness for everyone prevails. Finally a goal in the area of Environment and Well Being will ensure that we have a safe and positive/supportive environment for all students.


The Richmond Rose Literacy Team

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Muskoka Woods – Grade 8 Leadership Reflections

The overnight trip to Muskoka Woods wasn’t just a graduation trip. We laughed; we had fun; and at the same time, we also learned a lot about life.

We had met new people who were also in grade 8 and we made new friends in our activity groups. We also became closer to our old friends, and had beautiful memories to share.

In the activities, we learned how to control our bodies more effectively. We had to use our hands and feet at the same time when we were climbing the high ropes. Most of the activities also gave us an opportunity to practice flexibility, coordination and balance of our bodies. We tried to walk on swinging ropes and tires without holding on.

During the activities, teammates encouraged each other to try their best. We learned how to respect other people’s choices and not to pick on them. We understood each other’s feelings. Everyone had the chance to be a leader in the activity group. We collaborated and got ideas in order to finish the team work. Be proud of yourselves!

Teachers gave us the freedom to manage our time — when we should wake up, when we should go to bed; these were all our choices. Since there were 12 people in most cabins but only two showers, we had to come up with a plan for showering. It was a great opportunity to develop organizational skills and leadership skills through these plans.

Since this was an overnight trip, we had a lot of luggage. We had to take responsibility for our own belongings. The cabins did not have a lock, so we had to be organized in order to see if we had lost items or not.

We grew up a lot after this trip. Looking ahead, this is the last year we can call ourselves kids — the last year in elementary school. This graduation trip gave us fantastic memories of our friends, as well as Richmond Rose Public School. All the things we learned in this trip can impact the year ahead. We all took leadership roles. We became more responsible and organized. We respected and understood each other’s feelings at a deeper level. We collaborated to get better ideas. We learned that planning ahead and having great time management makes life easier. We believed in ourselves.

This was the greatest trip we ever had. Learning and playing had connected well in this trip. This graduation trip had become one of the most important memories in our life.

Christiana W. Grade 8

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Progress Reports

Parent Teacher Interviews

Evening of Thursday, November 14th


Friday, November 15th

PROGRESS REPORTS – adapted from the

Ministry of Education Website

What features of the fall progress report card make it better than using the current provincial report card in the fall?

The fall progress report card has several features that will facilitate better communication among parents, teachers, and students, encourage students to set goals, assist parents in supporting learning at home, and help teachers establish plans for teaching.

The fall progress report card places a strong emphasis on the development of students' learning skills and work habits. Students' achievement of six learning skills and habits will be shown on the front page of the progress report card. These are: (1) Responsibility, (2) Organization, (3) Independent Work, (4) Collaboration, (5) Initiative, and (6) Self-Regulation. The development of these skills and habits will be reported as "excellent", "good", "satisfactory" or "needs improvement" and a large space is provided for teacher comments about students' strengths and areas for improvement.

Ministry policy places an emphasis on teachers using the progress report card to conduct rich discussions and proactive interviews or conferences with parents and/or students in the fall to help establish a positive tone for the remainder of the year. In addition, spaces are provided on the progress report card for individual board design to reflect local conferencing/interviewing practices, vision statements, or other information about the school community.

The fall progress report card indicates for parents how well their children are progressing in all the subjects and provides an early indication of those subjects where the student may need additional support. For each subject, teachers will check whether the students are: (1) Progressing With Difficulty, (2) Progressing Well, or (3) Progressing Very Well.

Why are there no grades or marks for the subjects on the progress report card?

Early in the fall, students have just begun their learning in the subjects and teachers do not have substantial evidence to accurately assign a grade or mark. However, in the fall, teachers do have enough information to report to parents whether or not they are making progress in the different areas of the curriculum.

Yes, the progress report cards, as well as the provincial report cards, provide important information about student achievement and will be stored in the OSRs.

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The York Centre

for Children, Youth & Families.

Students and Staff will be recognizing Remembrance Day on Nov 11th, during a school wide assembly. Different classes will be participating in portions of the assembly, acknowledging the courage of those who have made the ultimate

sacrifice during times of war, conflict and peace.


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BILL CROTHERS SS INFORMATION EVENING Bill Crothers Secondary School (BCSS) is a system-wide school with a focus on healthy active living and sport. The school is open for Grade 9 to 12 students. Students and parents from across the region are invited to attend an

information evening. Information will be shared regarding the vision, mission, schedule, programs, transfer policy and application process.

All information sessions will occur at Bill Crothers Secondary School, 44 Main Street, Unionville, Ontario, L3R 2E4 from 7 – 8:30 in the cafetorium.

Wednesday, October 30th – Students in the West & North Region

Tuesday, November 5th – Students in the East Region

Thursday, November 7th – Students in the Central Region

Due to building capacity regulations, we request that only students and parents interested in attending BCSS for the school year 2014 - 2015, attend one of these evening. Parking is limited so we ask that parents carpool or park at the GO Station. Markham By-law officers regularly enforce the parking regulations on school property.

Grade 8 Information

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School Council


Our next meeting:

Monday, November 4th at 7 p.m. in the


Thank you to our amazing school council volunteers for their help in organizing and

supporting our raffle. Without your help we wouldn’t have been able to achieve our


Congratulations Richmond Rose! The Fall Raffle fundraiser was a great success, with over $14,250 raised to support SMART programming at school! Thanks to all students, staff, families and the community for your hard work

and support of student enrichment and achievement at Richmond Rose! And many thanks to the wonderful volunteers who helped to make this fundraiser a success! Raffle draw date will be on Thursday, November 7th! Good luck to

all ticket holders!

Upcoming school council meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 4th at 7:00pm in the Library. Please join us as we discuss council activities and

program planning for the year! All parents are welcome!

The Richmond Rose School Council

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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